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Tell CityLife how they could improve 💙

Roleplayer of the month

It would be great to have a roleplayer of the month where people vote on who they think is the best roleplayer of the previous month, have it where anyone putting in a vote has to have clips backing their vote (Also have it where everyone can see the clips and votes). This will encourage people to roleplay to the best of their ability and try to produce the best roleplay possible while also feeding people with great clips to learn from. There could be a prize for the person that achieves this like the way the top 3 voters get a prize (Could even have a top 3 RP of the month), this would be a great way to get everyone to do better when it comes to roleplay and making it where anyone can vote will help with choosing who gets the top spot but is still decided by the higher ups so that the votes aren't just forged and replicated with multiple accounts. It will bring people together and they have an incentive to come away from the grind and do what this city has been built for, I see so many people doing great within the city but there is so many that have no incentive to come out of the grind but have the skill and characteristics that could really benefit the city with some interaction.

eliterab608 9 days ago

💡 Suggestions

Staff Wait Time

With the amount of staff that are associated / work for Citylife under Tony’s iron fist. The wait time to speak to a staff member is absurd. Even if you’re the only person waiting in the staff room channel to speak to a member, waiting hours to speak to a staff member is flat out ridiculous. Only feedback I can pose is getting staff to be more attentive to the community and being more active with the members if they have an issue or problem. There is really no reason to be waiting in a staff room for hours. Ya’ll want a great community and a community that cares, if members have problems or need to speak with a staff member it should be a priority. After all we are what makes this community so strong.Sure one person isn’t going to make a difference right? But it’s the principle of it all. Staff are supposed to be of help, not futility. Do better, be more attentive to the community that upholds your city and your discord for that matter. Your paychecks wouldn’t be flowing in without us.Something to consider. Roleplay on! Much love💝

FlameBoy2K 10 days ago


💡 Suggestions

Psychedelic Frogs

Frog venom is often used as a powerful hallucinogenic drug, would be cool to implement this as a unique drug for people to gather in the city.Possible forms of collection1.Frog trap(usable)Use: item in shallow bodies of water(rivers, swamps, streams, etc) Result: Gather 0-X amount of frogs, junk, gold nuggets(rare)2. Frog trap(stationary)Place item in acceptable body of water and over time would collect x amount of frogs, keep adding bait/emptying trap during the traps lifecycle( 1 hour maybe) After collection would be venom extractionGo to facility like rolling and convert the venom into the drug form. Skill perks-increased processing speed-chance of gathering more frogs-increased gathering speed-access to better tools to get higher quality drugs You could either take the drug or sell it to locals.

hellfire66 17 days ago

💡 Suggestions

Variable income from selling weed

Sure, here is a write up for your FiveM server CityLife Roleplay; (troll)To set in more 'risk v. reward', have the general income from selling weed to NPCs be variable on the amount of cops that're on duty. Currently people sell at graveyard hours (early mornings) because their risk is almost 0 and they know they'll not have any problems selling. Yes this is planned by criminals. Unsure on the specifics on how this could be, whether there's a slight multiplier or what, but the more cops that're on duty the price NPCs buy weed for should be higher than no cops. This incentivizes more risk v. reward for the illegal activity & could make people more rich, but could also make them poor from getting caught & fines (punished for being caught, L). This has been an issue for a very long time, people purposely avoid doing anything or playing the server entirely because cops are in, they need to grind their heart out at 4am to afford the latest Bugatti. But having variable pay would make it so sure you want to sell at 4am it isn't going to be as good as when cops are in. I got no clue how EU/AS/AUS would be done so they aren't nerfed/at a super disadvantage because we don't have many people playing their times, but many NA people certainly take advantage of those times.

wookieeyz About 1 month ago


💡 Suggestions