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Carry able/ usable Duffels /Backpacks

I think having a backpack/ duffel bag that we could buy from somewhere or craft on a bench would be a good idea.Having a backpack with a set amount of storage that we could carry in our pockets and use to store items in i think would be really great to have. You could have a standard backpack that everyone could use which would hold say an extra 100 or however much then you could have large ones for 200 or 250 PD could have there own ones allowing them to carry more evidence/equipment if necessary same goes for EMS. This would be an item in your pockets that would weigh 25/50 but allowing it to be used for anything,item would obviously be searchable while being robbed/searched from PD.

wheezy1203 5 days ago

💡 Suggestions

Dupe At Dealership

I was working today at Larrys, I sold a Riata to a individual named Dennis. After he purchased the vehicle he did not have keys to it and there was inventory in the glove box and trunk (Gas cans, guns, vape juice, fishing pole, and fishing bait). License plate on said vehicle was EW3J6805, I was instructed by management to follow him to the impound lot and confirmed his actual vehicle was there. He was able to pull the vehicle out and had keys. I then took the (dupe) vehicle that spawned at Larry’s originally and ocean dumped it. Staff at Larry's said this issue has happened before and they requested that i submit a ticket and post under feedback so staff can track these issues. Unfortunately Medal was not working for me at the time so i really only have the customers full name and the license plate # for the dupe vehicle. The license plate on the vehicle and the license plate when in the glove box do not match.

bumpypaper12715 7 days ago

💡 Suggestions

Remove Global OOC Chat

I hate having random pop ups spammed because someone doesn’t know how to look at their key bind menu to change something / look at controls or how to go into the discord and ask for help there. It is immersion killing and horrible if you are streaming. Or players just saying random stuff like “THE COPS ARE VERY VERY GOOD”, “CAN SOMEONE HELP ME I AM IN TIMEOUT”, “How do I steal a car”, “How do I XYZ”. OOC should not be a global google search for people to lazy to check the discord for help. There is an entire guide put together for the purpose of helping new players, that is where they should be looking for information first. Possible Solutions: -Remove base player access to Global OOC -Change Global OOC to Local OOC only -Have Staff only have access to Global OOC -Donator only Global OOC -Remove it completely.

tss_wukii 8 days ago


💡 Suggestions