Kortz Center Selling
After the gang sprays update when groups started placing sprays, they originally made it so nobody other than that gang can corner sell in that territory and many other territories... After that was turned off it stayed at that location and some others, making it so now nobody can sell at that location at all. Is there anyway this can be reverted and make that place available to corner sell again?
swipe_zz About 6 hours ago
💡 Suggestions
Kortz Center Selling
After the gang sprays update when groups started placing sprays, they originally made it so nobody other than that gang can corner sell in that territory and many other territories... After that was turned off it stayed at that location and some others, making it so now nobody can sell at that location at all. Is there anyway this can be reverted and make that place available to corner sell again?
swipe_zz About 6 hours ago
💡 Suggestions
not sure if they have been mentioned before but I was in another city that had skateboards and it was a pretty cool to skate around. I know we have bikes and scooters and rollerblades but this seems like it could be a cool addition and maybe something we could carry on our character?
Dacora Games About 15 hours ago
💡 Suggestions
not sure if they have been mentioned before but I was in another city that had skateboards and it was a pretty cool to skate around. I know we have bikes and scooters and rollerblades but this seems like it could be a cool addition and maybe something we could carry on our character?
Dacora Games About 15 hours ago
💡 Suggestions
Browning in cars / bikes
when you reload the browning in the car / bike it takes 15 bullets but only reloads 7 into the clip
bandz. About 15 hours ago
💡 Suggestions
Browning in cars / bikes
when you reload the browning in the car / bike it takes 15 bullets but only reloads 7 into the clip
bandz. About 15 hours ago
💡 Suggestions
Garage/impound refreshes
So I timeout every now and then since I’m from europe and after that my car is gone and in the impound untill restart. Now in the previous city I was in they somehow fixed that by giving garage areas small restarts every 2 hours so you could get your car back, if this could also be done here and perhaps make it every 1 hour than we could get our cars back quicker which would make quality of life much higher in city
therealbelgy 3 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Garage/impound refreshes
So I timeout every now and then since I’m from europe and after that my car is gone and in the impound untill restart. Now in the previous city I was in they somehow fixed that by giving garage areas small restarts every 2 hours so you could get your car back, if this could also be done here and perhaps make it every 1 hour than we could get our cars back quicker which would make quality of life much higher in city
therealbelgy 3 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Yelp / Business Reviews
What if there was an in-character channel in Discord specifically for business reviews? You could grab a coffee at Bean Machine and they could say “Please leave us a review!” and you could go onto Discord and leave ⭐ stars or just some feedback/praise, just as a fun RP thing and for managers I guess to bring up ratings to their employees?
derpdom 4 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Yelp / Business Reviews
What if there was an in-character channel in Discord specifically for business reviews? You could grab a coffee at Bean Machine and they could say “Please leave us a review!” and you could go onto Discord and leave ⭐ stars or just some feedback/praise, just as a fun RP thing and for managers I guess to bring up ratings to their employees?
derpdom 4 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Carry able/ usable Duffels /Backpacks
I think having a backpack/ duffel bag that we could buy from somewhere or craft on a bench would be a good idea.Having a backpack with a set amount of storage that we could carry in our pockets and use to store items in i think would be really great to have. You could have a standard backpack that everyone could use which would hold say an extra 100 or however much then you could have large ones for 200 or 250 PD could have there own ones allowing them to carry more evidence/equipment if necessary same goes for EMS. This would be an item in your pockets that would weigh 25/50 but allowing it to be used for anything,item would obviously be searchable while being robbed/searched from PD.
wheezy1203 5 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Carry able/ usable Duffels /Backpacks
I think having a backpack/ duffel bag that we could buy from somewhere or craft on a bench would be a good idea.Having a backpack with a set amount of storage that we could carry in our pockets and use to store items in i think would be really great to have. You could have a standard backpack that everyone could use which would hold say an extra 100 or however much then you could have large ones for 200 or 250 PD could have there own ones allowing them to carry more evidence/equipment if necessary same goes for EMS. This would be an item in your pockets that would weigh 25/50 but allowing it to be used for anything,item would obviously be searchable while being robbed/searched from PD.
wheezy1203 5 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Unable to End Cleaning Job in Prison
Upon cleaning all 10 toilets required, I talk to the prison boss to finish the job and am unable to finish the job. I receive the error “Not done with current Job 11/10”. I cleaned another toilet, tried to finish the job with the prison boss again and receive the error “Not done with current Job 12/10.”
sycopants 5 days ago
🐛 Bug Reports
Unable to End Cleaning Job in Prison
Upon cleaning all 10 toilets required, I talk to the prison boss to finish the job and am unable to finish the job. I receive the error “Not done with current Job 11/10”. I cleaned another toilet, tried to finish the job with the prison boss again and receive the error “Not done with current Job 12/10.”
sycopants 5 days ago
🐛 Bug Reports
Add unlabeled garages to POI's or fix vanishing cars
Everytime I go somewhere like weed rolling for example when im done my car is gone, it is then gone till restart. We either need to fix the bug that makes cars poof or add a garage to any place with an instance that puts you somewhere else on the map. Alternatively, remove the mechanic that doesnt let you take your car back out of impound till restart.
xxboomyoudiedxx 6 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Add unlabeled garages to POI's or fix vanishing cars
Everytime I go somewhere like weed rolling for example when im done my car is gone, it is then gone till restart. We either need to fix the bug that makes cars poof or add a garage to any place with an instance that puts you somewhere else on the map. Alternatively, remove the mechanic that doesnt let you take your car back out of impound till restart.
xxboomyoudiedxx 6 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Dupe At Dealership
I was working today at Larrys, I sold a Riata to a individual named Dennis. After he purchased the vehicle he did not have keys to it and there was inventory in the glove box and trunk (Gas cans, guns, vape juice, fishing pole, and fishing bait). License plate on said vehicle was EW3J6805, I was instructed by management to follow him to the impound lot and confirmed his actual vehicle was there. He was able to pull the vehicle out and had keys. I then took the (dupe) vehicle that spawned at Larry’s originally and ocean dumped it. Staff at Larry's said this issue has happened before and they requested that i submit a ticket and post under feedback so staff can track these issues. Unfortunately Medal was not working for me at the time so i really only have the customers full name and the license plate # for the dupe vehicle. The license plate on the vehicle and the license plate when in the glove box do not match.
bumpypaper12715 7 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Dupe At Dealership
I was working today at Larrys, I sold a Riata to a individual named Dennis. After he purchased the vehicle he did not have keys to it and there was inventory in the glove box and trunk (Gas cans, guns, vape juice, fishing pole, and fishing bait). License plate on said vehicle was EW3J6805, I was instructed by management to follow him to the impound lot and confirmed his actual vehicle was there. He was able to pull the vehicle out and had keys. I then took the (dupe) vehicle that spawned at Larry’s originally and ocean dumped it. Staff at Larry's said this issue has happened before and they requested that i submit a ticket and post under feedback so staff can track these issues. Unfortunately Medal was not working for me at the time so i really only have the customers full name and the license plate # for the dupe vehicle. The license plate on the vehicle and the license plate when in the glove box do not match.
bumpypaper12715 7 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Batch Cracking Stone
Cracking stones is currently one of the most tediously boring parts of the mining and smelting process, as you get to higher levels you bring more and more stone but still have to crack them all one at a time. My suggestion would be to have another machine at the smeltery that you can use once you reach a reasonable skill lever that can crack stones in batches of 10 or 5 much like turning in recyclables at the recycling plant. This way players with the right skill level can complete the cracking phase in a more reasonable time and without it being a overly long process. Thank you for the consideration
lord_gamork 7 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Batch Cracking Stone
Cracking stones is currently one of the most tediously boring parts of the mining and smelting process, as you get to higher levels you bring more and more stone but still have to crack them all one at a time. My suggestion would be to have another machine at the smeltery that you can use once you reach a reasonable skill lever that can crack stones in batches of 10 or 5 much like turning in recyclables at the recycling plant. This way players with the right skill level can complete the cracking phase in a more reasonable time and without it being a overly long process. Thank you for the consideration
lord_gamork 7 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Make Beehives Un-Stealable
I think it’d be really dope if other people couldn’t steal your beehives. Unless there’s something I’m missing, I think it makes sense that, if you’re unable to harvest someone else’s hive, you shouldn’t be able to pick one up either. It’s a pretty sizable financial hit to take when someone steals ‘em. Especially if you have all 8 down with queens in them also.
sycopants 8 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Make Beehives Un-Stealable
I think it’d be really dope if other people couldn’t steal your beehives. Unless there’s something I’m missing, I think it makes sense that, if you’re unable to harvest someone else’s hive, you shouldn’t be able to pick one up either. It’s a pretty sizable financial hit to take when someone steals ‘em. Especially if you have all 8 down with queens in them also.
sycopants 8 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Remove Global OOC Chat
I hate having random pop ups spammed because someone doesn’t know how to look at their key bind menu to change something / look at controls or how to go into the discord and ask for help there. It is immersion killing and horrible if you are streaming. Or players just saying random stuff like “THE COPS ARE VERY VERY GOOD”, “CAN SOMEONE HELP ME I AM IN TIMEOUT”, “How do I steal a car”, “How do I XYZ”. OOC should not be a global google search for people to lazy to check the discord for help. There is an entire guide put together for the purpose of helping new players, that is where they should be looking for information first. Possible Solutions: -Remove base player access to Global OOC -Change Global OOC to Local OOC only -Have Staff only have access to Global OOC -Donator only Global OOC -Remove it completely.
tss_wukii 8 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Remove Global OOC Chat
I hate having random pop ups spammed because someone doesn’t know how to look at their key bind menu to change something / look at controls or how to go into the discord and ask for help there. It is immersion killing and horrible if you are streaming. Or players just saying random stuff like “THE COPS ARE VERY VERY GOOD”, “CAN SOMEONE HELP ME I AM IN TIMEOUT”, “How do I steal a car”, “How do I XYZ”. OOC should not be a global google search for people to lazy to check the discord for help. There is an entire guide put together for the purpose of helping new players, that is where they should be looking for information first. Possible Solutions: -Remove base player access to Global OOC -Change Global OOC to Local OOC only -Have Staff only have access to Global OOC -Donator only Global OOC -Remove it completely.
tss_wukii 8 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Pants glitching
The Female pants #213 makes the legs completely disappear on my character despite every effort to fix it. Is there a solution or is this a bug that needs patched?
sorryimspooky 9 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Pants glitching
The Female pants #213 makes the legs completely disappear on my character despite every effort to fix it. Is there a solution or is this a bug that needs patched?
sorryimspooky 9 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Ifaks do not fully heal Females
They heal us to 80% and then we have to use band aids to get to full health.
bunniebxmb 10 days ago
🐛 Bug Reports
Ifaks do not fully heal Females
They heal us to 80% and then we have to use band aids to get to full health.
bunniebxmb 10 days ago
🐛 Bug Reports
PDM Discord role for employees, because PDM ON TOP!
I know organizations like DOJ, PD, and EMS have discord roles, so why not give employees of the greatest car dealership in the city the ability to flex their employment status with a new role in the emails? Being employed at PDM is not only just a job, it’s a lifestyle and I’m sure everyone that works at PDM, including myself, will appreciate being able to flaunt that role.
shoop8896 11 days ago
💡 Suggestions
PDM Discord role for employees, because PDM ON TOP!
I know organizations like DOJ, PD, and EMS have discord roles, so why not give employees of the greatest car dealership in the city the ability to flex their employment status with a new role in the emails? Being employed at PDM is not only just a job, it’s a lifestyle and I’m sure everyone that works at PDM, including myself, will appreciate being able to flaunt that role.
shoop8896 11 days ago
💡 Suggestions
[Trunk Bug] Car out of rotation trunk bug (Washington)
Hey! I just returned and it seemed that one of my Vs have gone out of rotation thus causing a trunk bug where I can't see to place anything into the trunk of the V. I will attach a clip to show this in further detail - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jC4vQb3KCpdHKTUnt?invite=cr-MSxEUG0sMjA1OTczNjQ2LA Please let me know how to proceed, thank you all very much.
Daniel Lloyd 11 days ago
💡 Suggestions
[Trunk Bug] Car out of rotation trunk bug (Washington)
Hey! I just returned and it seemed that one of my Vs have gone out of rotation thus causing a trunk bug where I can't see to place anything into the trunk of the V. I will attach a clip to show this in further detail - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jC4vQb3KCpdHKTUnt?invite=cr-MSxEUG0sMjA1OTczNjQ2LA Please let me know how to proceed, thank you all very much.
Daniel Lloyd 11 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Suspension Issue
There’s been an issue with suspension not working on cars lately. Many said it was because it wasn’t “sticking” at the mech shop… But it seems to stick, just not when in the car/driving.
mike_the_ike 12 days ago
🐛 Bug Reports
Suspension Issue
There’s been an issue with suspension not working on cars lately. Many said it was because it wasn’t “sticking” at the mech shop… But it seems to stick, just not when in the car/driving.
mike_the_ike 12 days ago
🐛 Bug Reports
Towing Job
Hey yall!! first off, just want to shout out to the team here, best server out there and Ive been RPin in FiveM for 8years... Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! Me and a buddy was really diggin the towing thing but the script is just wonky as all hell, hahaha... we were just wondering if that may be looked at or straightened out in the near future? Thanks again for this badass server though for sure
honkytonk442 12 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Towing Job
Hey yall!! first off, just want to shout out to the team here, best server out there and Ive been RPin in FiveM for 8years... Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! Me and a buddy was really diggin the towing thing but the script is just wonky as all hell, hahaha... we were just wondering if that may be looked at or straightened out in the near future? Thanks again for this badass server though for sure
honkytonk442 12 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Dumpster diving text color - the numbers
It would be nice to have the text changed from white to something else, the white often blends in with bright days and white sidewalks, Im thinking that maybe red or just matching the color of the circle sweet spot color would remedy the problem.
xxboomyoudiedxx 13 days ago
💡 Suggestions
Dumpster diving text color - the numbers
It would be nice to have the text changed from white to something else, the white often blends in with bright days and white sidewalks, Im thinking that maybe red or just matching the color of the circle sweet spot color would remedy the problem.
xxboomyoudiedxx 13 days ago
💡 Suggestions